Our Mission, Our Values


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HARTMANN Code of Conduct

As part of the HARTMANN GROUP, to which we have belonged since 2009, the HARTMANN Code of Conduct is not only guiding but also second nature for us at BODE Chemie GmbH. We have the same mission, pursue the same principles, and live the same values.

So, in our Code of Conduct you will find the Compliance core standards of HARTMANN GROUP.

HARTMANN Integrity Channel

Your opportunity to raise concerns – also anonymously

Our principles for reporting:

  • Our Integrity Channel is open for everyone – reporting can be made in various languages.
  • Fairness and whistleblower protection are core principles for us – we will treat your report independently, objectively, timely and as strictly confidential.
  • Once we have received your report, we will confirm its receipt within seven days.
  • We take all reports seriously and follow-up on them.
  • If necessary, we will determine and implement appropriate mitigation measures (if needed: measures will include relevant suppliers/business partners).
  • We will inform you about the outcome of the investigation and, if applicable, mitigation measures.
  • We have zero tolerance for retaliation – please report to us if you face retaliation.

Contact us

Compliance contact

For more information, please contact [email protected].