Cookie Policy

We, BODE Chemie GmbH – a company of the HARTMANN GROUP, use cookies and other technologies within the scope of our website service (e.g. on web pages and in browser-based applications or apps) which can be used to collect information that we need to provide functions within the scope of our website service and to improve our website service. Some of the used cookies or other technologies require your express consent. We ask you to agree to their use so that you can fully use all functions provided by our website service. We draw your attention to this Cookie Policy Notice to comply with our legal obligation and to inform you which cookies will be used when you visit our websites and how we protect your privacy.

In this Cookie Policy, we refer to all technologies including cookies, web beacons, pixels, script trackers and other client-side programming technologies, which can be used to collect user information, explain their purpose, the scope of their usage and inform you about options which you can use to manage and control the behaviour of these technologies. Cookies – in the broadest sense of the term – also include third-party web contents and services, for example for the incorporation of videos, maps, the use of certain fonts or the provision of administrative or other functions that are integrated into our website service. Such third-party service providers can always identify the respective user because they need his/her IP address to provide their services. For consistency reasons, all these methods are hereinafter collectively referred to as cookies unless an explicit differentiation is made between the specific methods.

This Cookie Policy relates to our website service under the domain name “”, “”, “” (or “”), “” (or “”), “” and associated sub-domains and other websites of HARTMANN that link or refer to this Cookie Policy. This Cookie Policy can be viewed, saved or printed out from our website. By using our website service, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.

Cookies and other technologies are used to give our website service certain functions, e.g. the recognition of a user, the storage of the presettings of a user, the clear assignment of temporary process-related or transaction-related data to a user, the storage of additional security information during a user login to his/her user account or the collection of information about website usage, and to improve website design and functionality. These technologies are also used by almost all websites to recognise if the website has already been accessed previously with the same terminal equipment and the same browser so that they can adjust the displayed contents and, in some cases, vary them accordingly.

Cookies and other technologies can be used by BODE & HARTMANN and by third-party service providers. That applies to contents like videos, web-based applications or analytical tools that help us improve our website service, and content that is user-generated, such as clicks on ‘Share’ buttons that allow our website contents to be shared in social media networks like YouTube, LinkedIn or XIng. This Cookie Policy analogously applies to third-party cookies. Whether it is a first-party cookie or a third-party cookie depends on the domain that places the cookie. First-party cookies are cookies placed by the website that was visited by the user. Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a domain other than the domain of the website visited by the user. Third-party providers place their cookies on the website of the first-party provider if they provide technologies which the first-party provider uses on its website or makes available to its users

Cookies can only be read by the website that placed the cookie. Cookies usually do not collect any personal data stored on your terminal equipment. Cookies are only a key that would allow a linking to personal data, if such data was collected at all. Cookies can be classic text-based cookies, web beacons, pixels or scripts.

Persistent cookies remain on the terminal equipment used for visiting our website for a set period of time specified in the cookie. These cookies are placed during the first visit to our website unless browser settings prevent such and are re-activated each time that the user visits the website with the same terminal equipment on which the cookies were already installed.

Session cookies allow website operators to keep track of, and link, the actions of a user during any given browser session. A browser session starts when the browser is opened and ends when the browser is closed. Session cookies are deleted as soon as the browser is closed.

Web beacons and pixels are files which are incorporated into a web page and are requested by the browser of the accessing user. They allow the generation of a log file record and a log file analysis that can be used for statistical analyses. Information like the IP address, the used browser type or the operating system of the accessing device can then be collected.

Script trackers and other client-side programming technologies are small JavaScript-based programs or programming contents based on other technologies, which can provide functions that allow the recognition of a browser. Data need not be placed on the accessing device for that. Such technologies are only used if they are supported by the browser of the accessing user and have been enabled.

As many providers use more than one of the aforementioned technologies, those cookies are listed below according to their purpose and the assigned source domain.

Status: 24.06.2024

1.1 Cookies are usually classified into five categories depending on their function, the used technology and their purpose: strictly necessary cookies, analytics or performance cookies, functional cookies and targeting and advertising cookies. In the following we define the cookie categories.

1.2. Necessary cookies: Strictly necessary cookies allow navigation on our websites and the provision of essential functions, which would not work without the use of cookies or which we could not offer in the current form without usage restrictions. That also includes the provision of very secure areas which may contain personal user information or enable payment activities. These areas are provided to protect the personal data of our users and can therefore only be accessed after successful user authentication. Strictly necessary cookies also help ensure – as one of several methods used simultaneously – that a user requesting sensitive information first has to complete successful authentication to prevent the misuse of information we have stored elsewhere. Settings such as language, geographical location and display-optimising information like screen resolution and size of buffer can be saved. Strictly necessary cookies are not used for advertising purposes and are also not used to collect behaviour-based information about the users of our website. However, it is necessary to use strictly necessary cookies in order to provide our website services to you. We do not require your consent for the use of these necessary cookies.

1.3 Functional cookies (preferences):We use functional cookies to store the users’ decisions that influence the behaviour of our website. With the help of functional cookies, we can offer personalised functions like tailored contents to suit the user’s individual requirements. For example, we can reactivate the last search filter you used or check if we have already drawn your attention to special offers. Additional information may be kept on our systems and linked with functional cookies. Such functions allow us to customise our website to suit your individual needs and improve your website experience. For an optimum use of our website, it is therefore necessary that you accept this type of cookies If you do not accept functional cookies, we cannot guarantee that you can fully use our website service. Functional cookies can also be managed by third parties. Information about the protection of personal data for such cookies can be found on the third-party websites.

1.4 Analytics cookies (statistics):Analytics/Performance cookies are used to collect information about the usage of our websites. This type of cookies helps us to continually improve our website, informs us about our users’ behaviour and helps us to identify and eliminate any difficulties or errors in using our website. It also allows us to evaluate the efficiency of our advertising measures and to improve the quality of the advertisements that our users can see. These cookies are not linked to information that allows the identification of the individual users. Analytical cookies can also be managed by third parties. Information about the protection of personal data for such cookies can be found on the third-party websites.

1.5 Targeting cookies (marketing):We, or third-party service providers contracted by us, may use targeting cookies to show you more relevant product information based on your interests. They also help us improve our advertising campaigns. For example, we can use targeting cookies to limit the number of advertisement pop-ups you see or to recognise if you have already responded to our advertisements. These cookies can be used to recognise individual users and to record which information on our website is particularly relevant to you. This information may be disclosed by us to any advertiser we have contracted and may be linked to information from other sources of personal data. This also includes data about you collected during your visit to other websites. At these third-party websites, you can also control your settings and personal preferences concerning the collection of personal data by third parties. That means that these cookies may be used to ensure that you will no longer be displayed advertisements that have been tailored to your needs based on the information collected about you. Please note that you must adjust your settings on each terminal equipment and for each browser with which you use our website. Even if such cookies are not used, you may nevertheless be displayed advertisements from us. Such advertisements are shown to users in certain target-group-specific environments on the Internet and can be compared with TV commercials: For example, if you watch a travel documentary, you are likely to be shown more commercials related to travel topics during commercial breaks. If targeting cookies are managed by third parties, you will find information about the protection of personal data for such cookies on the third-party websites.

2.1 We use cookies for various reasons as described above. Regrettably, there is often no standard procedure for disabling cookies without completely losing the functions our website service makes use of. Please note that it is possible that not all functions of our website service will be available to you if you block, delete or disable cookies.

2.2 If a consent (cf. Art. 6 (1) a GDPR, in Germany as well sec. 25 (1) 1 TDDDG) to the use of certain cookies is necessary, we will only use such cookies if you have given us your prior consent. When you visit one of our web pages, we will add a so-called cookie banner that allows you to confirm your consent to the use of cookies within the scope of the respective website service by clicking on a button. You give your consent to the use of all cookies mentioned in this Cookie Policy by clicking on the buttona Your consent will also be stored in the form of a cookie ("Opt-In Cookie") on your device to allow us to check on your next visit to our website service if you have already given your consent. The opt-in cookie has a limited validity period of 12 months.

We do not need your consent for the necessary cookies, because without them the website could not be displayed. The data processing is based on our legitimate interest in the provision of the website and its functionalities (cf. Art.6 (1) f GDPR, in Germany as well sec. 25 (2) no. 2 TDDDG).

2.3 You can manage, disable or delete cookies in your browser and permanently prevent the acceptance of cookies. To do that, you need to enable the browser function that disables the storage of cookies and/or surf in the data protection mode depending on which browser you are using. To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to accept or refuse all cookies or only accept certain types of cookies. You will find more information on the management, deactivation and deletion of cookies in the help function of your browser.

2.4 Further information on cookies that are used for advertising purposes and on how you can activate them can be found in the information on behaviour-based advertising and online data protection provided by the online advertising industry at or

This Cookie Policy may change from time to time, for example, in the case of new legislation or technical changes to our website service. We therefore reserve the right to change this Cookie Policy at any time and without prior notice and to use additional or different cookies. The amended Cookie Policy will always take effect upon its publication and its latest version can always be viewed on our website. If you do not agree to the revised edition of our Cookie Policy, you should stop using our website service. You automatically agree to the revised Cookie Policy by continuing to use our website service after the changes to the Cookie Policy have come into effect. Should you have further questions about the use of cookies within the scope of our website service, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

Further information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.